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About Buy

A platform that values and gives visibility to your business . Where do you promote, buy, learn and connect with hundreds of queens, mothers and entrepreneurs who are part of our community.


We mapped and expanded the dissemination to boost sales of women (cis and trans), black (black and brown), Afro-indigenous, indigenous, black immigrants and refugees who are MOTHERS and undertake products and services in different segments.  


We were born because we realize that people have difficulty finding services offered by us in one place. Because sometimes we feel alone in Entrepreneurship, in motherhood and in the paths we choose to take. And we also need to learn how to use the tools to sell online, to manage the business and improve ourselves in the area.  


That's what we at Compre do, we bring together wonderful women, with similar purposes and desire to grow and Boom!! The show happens!


Ever wanted to buy something from an enterprising Mom and didn't know where to look? There we are!

Compre de uma Mãe Preta is a space for strengthening, exchanging experiences, welcoming, assisting and a sales catalog for inventive and powerful black women mothers!

- Sobre a Kitanda Virtual -

Resgatamos a tecnologia das nossas ancestrais, das Rainhas africanas que vieram escravizadas, das ganhadeiras, negras libertas e as baianas do acarajé. Sim, elas eram as Donas do Mercado, responsáveis por alimentar a economia do Brasil em tempos escravocratas!


Acessando nossa Kitanda Virtual você resgata na sua memória a lembrança mais afetiva sobre Kitanda; A Kitandinha da "tia"que tinha de tudo no bairro, as kitandas das feiras. A nossa é virtual e todos os negócios são geridos por mães da nossa rede. Você encontra os mais variados produtos e serviços; desde roupas, fraldas ecológicas, acessórios, educadora, terapeutas, contadora etc.


Para entrar na kitanda, as empreendedoras assinam um plano mensal, com direito a acesso ao Clube De Benefícios Odara e participar de rodas, workshops, treinamentos, terapias coletivas e feiras. 

Cada empreendedora tem uma página pra chamar de sua, divulgando e espalhando a palavra do empreender, do mercar e vender!!!

- Sobre Vendas e Curadoria -

Para aumentar o faturamento e fomentar seus negócios, nós fazemos uma curadoria e vendemos os produtos e serviços das Rainhas em kits personalizados para pessoas físicas e empresas. 

Presentes feitos por mãos pretas, com cuidado e afeto para eventos, onboard (Boas vindas), kits maternidades, datas comemorativas, etc. Só nos chamar e pedir um orçamento!

about the tram

Yes, a tram because we don't go alone, we don't do anything alone!


Rosyane Silwa

CEO and Matricess

Rosyane Silwa, mother of Nzinga, journalist, producer, facilitator and Master of History. Babywearing advisor @blackbabywearinbrasil .

Rosy takes care of negotiations, administrative and sales!


Do you want to talk to her?  


Tunny Miller

CMO and Matricess

Tuanny Miller, mother of Betânia, art educator and social mobilizer.

Tu is responsible for communication and also makes direct contacts with the entrepreneurs!


Do you want to talk to her?



Camis Comin and Mila Ferreira

Social media

Camis and Mila are the most beautiful communication duo. Together they own the ANYWAY CREATIVE agency and they rock out taking care of our social networks. They are empathetic women, partners and who came to add up!

Do you want to talk to them? 


who believes

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who believes

CMP partner companies and professionals

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