+ de 1 ano na Kitanda
Who is Gisele Acioli
"I am a first-time mother, of a baby who presented hydrocephalus at 6 months of age. Alice underwent surgery and today she has a valve in her head to control this little problem. So, motherhood came as a little bigger challenge for me. , but we continue well. I have already undertaken with several other things and in several other ways that did not work out due to lack of preparation and money.
The idea of selling baby clothes came with the pandemic and the difficulty I had to find quality clothes without having to leave the house. Today I'm trying to leave the company I'm currently employed at (Alice and I have been away since the end of my maternity leave due to hydrocephalus and her follow-ups) and dedicate myself to my daughter and my company."
Who is Gisele Acioli
"I am a first-time mother, of a baby who presented hydrocephalus at 6 months of age. Alice underwent surgery and today she has a valve in her head to control this little problem. So, motherhood came as a little bigger challenge for me. , but we continue well. I have already undertaken with several other things and in several other ways that did not work out due to lack of preparation and money.
The idea of selling baby clothes came with the pandemic and the difficulty I had to find quality clothes without having to leave the house. Today I'm trying to leave the company I'm currently employed at (Alice and I have been away since the end of my maternity leave due to hydrocephalus and her follow-ups) and dedicate myself to my daughter and my company."
Panah Natural
"A ancestralidade sempre me ensinou que o sentido da vida é o coletivo"
Crossed skirt made of African Fabric
Livre de metais pesados e conservantes artificiais. Não mancha roupa. Elimina dores. Ingredientes naturais, entre eles óleo vegetais, como óleo de coco babaçu e sinergia de óleos essenciais.
BRL 130.00
Long Printed Dress
Livre químicos nocivos. Produzido com óleo essencial de capim-limão (Cymbopogon citratus), extratos vegetais e corantes naturais. Relaxante. Adstringente. Embalado em celofane biodegradável.
BRL 120.00
Bermuda Made of African fabric
Este sabonete líquido é feito com base vegetal de coco babaçu, barbatimão e óleo essencial de lavanda, entre outros ingredientes naturais com propriedades antifúngicas e antibactericidas, além de ajudar em processos inflamatórios por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias.
BRL 120.00
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Service from Monday to Saturday, from 8 am to 10 pm