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Abbe Ewe

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who is Pri Abebe

Eu sou Sandra Bernardes, designer de anteriores e gestora de obras, nascida dia 29 de Abril de 1976 às 14:30 de uma quinta-feira, taurina com ascendente em virgem. Mãe de dois meninos e viúva. Sou determinada e exigente nunca desisto. Entrei na faculdade aos 39 anos que me encheu de orgulho, em 18º lugar e só veio a confirmar o quanto eu era dedicada e esforçada.

Sorte daqueles que cruzarem o meu caminho, certamente deixarão um pouco de si mas levarão muito de mim!

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foot scald

BRL 20.00

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Natural Perfumes

WC Obra Alphaville

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Herbal Tinctures

Projeto de Mychelli Varella Obra Vila Matilde

About Abebe Ewe

The name Abebe Ewe means a lot because it was taken from Sasanhe ( Candomblé ritual of singing the leaves) and is an initiative intuited by my Mother Oxum.


I believe that we reflect the image of nature itself and it is from this Ancestral nature that we cultivate our beauty.  Our cosmetics are born with this philosophy that beauty, self-care are aligned with natural magic. Using a natural product directly affects our quality of life. I love using more natural things and I learned how to do it myself. Then I started sharing with the  close friends and so other people began to want it too. And we continue in this movement of aligning Self-Care with a more ecological approach. 
Here we also have the assistance and care in them with a psychosomatic field. Because we believe that beauty is much more than an image, it is the integrity of being. Our services are of high quality every day we are looking for more information to improve our service for each person who arrives.

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Abbe Ewe

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Service from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 6 pm

Já contratou a Sandra? Conte sua experiência!

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