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Holos Vibrational Therapy 


Who is Márcia Angelin Sertão 

"Holos is sharing my process of self-knowledge, expansion of consciousness. In the beginning I called it self-healing/healing and it's actually self-love!

marcia  Sertão like to study and I love to learn... Master in Reiki, Multidimensional Therapist, Integrative Psychotherapist and Journey Facilitator, scholar of ACCU - A Course in Miracles.

I'm here to contribute to your Personal Transformation, through Spirituality!"

About Holos Vibrational Therapy

Holos Vibrational Therapy  it is a treatment for self-knowledge of who you are and facilitation to be who you are.

We understand that the self-knowledge process is a means for everything that can be dreamed of and effectively accomplished.

We work with Integrative Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Tarot.

Our service enables clarity of your moment, contributes to internal change and for you to align about who you are and want to be, at this moment in your journey.

Self-knowledge, cleansing and inner change. We focus on shifting limiting patterns and reframing the beliefs that today keep us from going to our next level.  We contribute to your process of self-knowledge, awareness expansion and self-love!


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Holos Vibrational Therapy

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Appointments by appointment only!

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