Alice Carolina Baby Shop

Who is Gisele Acioli
"I am a first-time mother, of a baby who presented hydrocephalus at 6 months of age. Alice underwent surgery and today she has a valve in her head to control this little problem. So, motherhood came as a little bigger challenge for me. , but we continue well. I have already undertaken with several other things and in several other ways that did not work out due to lack of preparation and money.
The idea of selling baby clothes came with the pandemic and the difficulty I had to find quality clothes without having to leave the house. Today I'm trying to leave the company I'm currently employed at (Alice and I have been away since the end of my maternity leave due to hydrocephalus and her follow-ups) and dedicate myself to my daughter and my company."
About Alice Carolina Baby Shop
I always wanted to be an entrepreneur and I had several unsuccessful attempts, but I didn't give up and that's why I'm here. With the pandemic came the idea of working with baby clothes, as I had difficulty finding quality clothes, without having to leave the house for anything. I saw an opportunity to fulfill a dream in a universe I was experiencing. Today at Alice Carolina Baby Shop I bring informative content, I am willing to support other mothers who want to talk and/or let off steam and sell beautiful clothes, with high quality and fair price. I think that contact with other mothers and the exchange of experiences is fundamental. I like to create bonds and I think a transparent sale involves this relationship with the customer. In addition to being very evident that we mothers need spaces that listen to us and understand us, that's what I want for my company!

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Alice Carolina Baby Shop
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Service from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 6 pm